Protecting Biodiversity

How do we share the planet with the rest of life?

We rely on the other organisms on Earth to give us life. They produce the oxygen we breathe and clean the water we drink. They make our world beautiful and fill it with meaning.

And yet, humanity is destroying the rest of life on Earth. Reports are coming out every year telling us of the quiet slaughter. Bird populations have fallen 30% across North America since 1970. Insects, which most birds rely on to feed their young, are in peril: 40% of insect species are in decline and facing extinction. Many of us don't notice the increasing thinness of life because the changes are gradual. We don't remember that there were more birds singing forty years ago, and more bees buzzing around more flowers.

But scientific studies tell us what is hard for a single perspective to see: life on Earth is in crisis. One million species are facing extinction, many within decades.

Read the rest of the article and learn about biodiversity and how to protect it.


An Unusual Forest


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